Easter Bunny Fundraiser
Evening of March 29th and 30th, 2024
Want to prove to your children that the Easter Bunny does exist? Or maybe you just don't want the hassle of shopping?
Then good news! The VA-KY District Fair Scholarship Pageant has been selected to help the Easter Bunny this year by chauffeuring him around Wise County. They will be in Saint Paul, Coeburn, Appalachia, and Big Stone on the 29th and Pound, Norton, and Wise on the 30th. Buy your package now to help support our Scholarship Program and get proof of the Easter Bunny's existence on your video doorbell, security camera, or photo sent to your phone or email in front of your house. Other packages include hidden Easter eggs (12) and even personalized baskets (1). You can add more eggs or baskets to your order as needed. Space is limited reserve your spot today!
$30 | Package #1
Includes photo proof of the Easter Bunny's arrival at your house.
$45 | Package #2
Easter Bunny hides (12) candy-filled plastic eggs in your yard.
$55 | Package #3
The Easter Bunny leaves a personalized Easter basket with a plush and candy.
$60 | Package #4
The Easter Bunny hides (12) candy-filled plastic eggs in your yard and leaves a personalized Easter basket with a plush and candy.
$15 | Extra Eggs (12)
$25 | Extra Basket (1)